Because of Imani we now have food on the table. God Bless you so much for this food aid you are offering to us. Praise the Lord through Imani.” 

Jennifer Parro – widowed mother of 8 young children

 These are such difficult times for people all around the world.   Where Imani works, in Kenya, many people were already in a state of crisis prior to COVID 19.  Since the pandemic, their food crisis challenges have become that much greater.  The reality is, the majority of the people in Kenya are more fearful of dying from starvation than from COVID 19.  The country has been in lock- down since March and there are no non-essential businesses operating. Many were already challenged to provide daily food for their families.  Unlike Canada, in Kenya there are no food banks and no government monetary or food support.

With increased food prices and no opportunity for employment, the widows and children that Imani cares for are in a seriously desperate situation.


Imani’s top priority is meeting the urgent needs of our children and their guardians along with the families that are connected with the Imani Family, most of whom are widowed moms or elderly grandmothers.

We began distributing food aid to assist 76 families to help meet this crisis in early May 2020.

Items that they receive each month

maize flour
unga ngano
cooking oil
bar soap
sanitary pads


We are so grateful for the continued support of all our sponsor/donors during what we know is a very hard time for many of you. You are all in our prayers.  Thank you for standing with us and continuing to support the Imani kids – we couldn’t continue this Ministry of serving those in need without you.

If you are able and it is on your heart to give towards this emergency food aid program, a donation/gift can be made, please click below.

All money donated towards Food Aid Support will go directly to this need.



Help Imani Orphan Care Foundation meet the immediate needs of the children in their care.

Together we are