Imani Orphan Care Missions – Kenya East, Africa

Are you interested in a Short-Term Missions Trip with Imani Orphan Care?
Do you have the desire to bless and serve others?

An Imani Orphan Care Missions trip is composed of 5 Aspects of Missions:

  1. Fundraising for a project before you leave
  2. Building relationships with the children and staff at Imani Home of Love
  3. Service project for Imani Orphan Care
  4. Outreach ministry caring for families in our community
  5. Visiting Imani Church and Outreach Center serving the Maasai community

It is important for us to familiarize our volunteers with the ministry of Imani Orphan Care and our projects so we have mandatory meetings to attend, unless you are at a distance then we will communicate by phone or e-mail.

  • 1st meeting is designed to give more details on the Missions Trip and what to expect.
  • 2nd meeting is to connect the team together, introduce Imani staff, discuss Kenyan Visa, Yellow Fever Immunizations and Fundraising Ideas.
  • 3rd meeting (1 month before) is focused on last minute questions, rules and safety, packing and cultural reminders.
  • 4th meeting (within 1 month after returning from Kenya) to debrief about the Missions Trip.


The cost for an Imani Missions trip varies from team to team.  You will be given information on the budget at the first Imani Information meeting.  Your trip expenses needs to be covered by your personal fundraising efforts. These funds must be processed through Imani Orphan Care and they will be tax receipted in the name of the person in which they are received.

Budget includes:

  • Flight and transportation
  • Food
  • Accommodations
  • 1-day Safari and lunch in the Maasai Mara Game Reserve

Costs Not Included:

  • You are responsible for the cost of all vaccines and personal medications.
  • You are responsible for souveniers and additional meals in the airport. 
  • $80 U.S. cash gate entry to Safari (must be exact U.S. bill)
  • $51 U.S. Tourist Visa available online prior to travel

Future Imani Missions Trip Dates:

Spring Break 2025

Summer 2025

Next step:

Please prayerfully consider this opportunity and allow God to speak to you about what He would like to accomplish in you and through you.

Contact to ask questions and arrange to attend your 1st Information Meeting.

Not able to make it to the event?

Consider helping us in other ways.

Can I make a one-time donation?

Yes, there are many projects and daily needs within an orphanage that need immediate funding.


Make a Single Donation


Can I write a cheque for an entire year of sponsorship?

Yes, in order to set this up please contact You are still able to choose a child or children that you would like to support for a year or you can have us choose a child for you.

Can I correspond with my child?

Yes, you are able to correspond by writing to your child/children. You can simply mail your letter to Imani Orphan Care and we will be sure that your letter reaches your sponsored child. There are also travel opportunities available to visit your sponsored child in Kenya. If this is of interest to you please contact us at

Can these children be adopted?

Adoption is a great way to help orphaned children however this process is not an easy one and it is not always a reliable one. It is hard to understand why adopting a child has to be such a long uncertain process. To understand this process better please contact your provincial adoption agency as they have the knowledge required to make this adoption process happen. Even if all of the world’s 163,000,000 orphaned children were able to be eligible for adoption there just are not enough people who want to adopt or who can afford the adoption process.

Thankfully we have the opportunity through sponsorship to give these children a better life and future. This is the best alternative that we presently have to help the orphaned children in the world.

Can $40/ month really provide what an orphaned child needs?

In developing countries, yes. The funds for child sponsorship go directly towards providing for shelter, food, clothing, education, spiritual instruction, and medical needs of the children in care through Imani.

Am I the only sponsor that my child has?

To completely cover the monthly costs associated with each child in care, a total of 4 sponsors per child is required for those living at Imani Home of Love.  Only one sponsor per child is needed for children who are apart of Imani's Outreach program who are supported with education and hygiene/food needs so that they can remain living with their widowed moms.

What happens to my sponsored child after graduation from high school?

We work hard with each child to put together an education plan best suited to their needs. Imani Orphan Care’s goal is to have our kids reach their full potential becoming competent educated adults able to support themselves.

How much of my sponsorship goes to my child?

Your child will receive $40.00/month of your support.

How much of my monthly support goes to admin fees?

Imani Orphan Care admin fees are 0%.  Imani covers admin fees through fundraising events and designated donations to cover these expenses.

Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?

Yes, Imani Orphan Care Foundation is a registered Canadian Charity allowing us to issue tax receipts to Canadian donors.
Imani Orphan Care Foundation Registered Charity Number – BN#800228314RR0001

Yes, Imani Orphan Care Foundation is registered with the IRS 501 (c) (3) EIN 61-1935396 allowing for federal tax exemption to United States donors.

What does this mean?  501 (c) (3) is part of the IRS tax code that indicates whether organizations are tax exempt.  If an organization is a 501 (c) (3), like Imani Orphan Care Foundation, donations to that organization are tax deductible to the full extent of the law on your annual tax return.

Help Imani Orphan Care Foundation meet the immediate needs of the children in their care.

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